Monday, February 12, 2007

Bison Organic Chocolate Stout

Appearance: Dark mahogany brown, red in the light, and a tan head.
Smell: Cocoa! Sweet.
Taste: Deep cocoa and dark chocolate flavor.
Mouthfeel: Thin for a porter/stout.
Finish: Very clean, especially for this style.

Jillian's Take: Well balanced and a wonderful cocoa flavor.
Sarah's Take: Surprisingly cocoa!

Serving Temperature: Cellar (55F)
Recommended Pairing: Flourless chocolate torte!

Young's Double Chocolate Stout

Appearance: Really dark, with an off-white head.
Smell: Sweet.
Taste: Sort of milk chocolate, again sweet.
Mouthfeel: Thin for a porter/stout.
Finish: Surprisingly clean.

Jillian's Take: It is so sweet (for beer that is) I would have a glass instead of dessert.
Sarah's Take: Not very chocolaty and not one I would rush back to the store for.

Serving Temperature: Cellar (55F)
Recommended Pairing: Chocolate ice cream!

Rogue Chocolate Stout

Appearance: Dark brown with a tan head.
Smell: Not so much chocolate as coffee and vanilla, sweet.
Taste: Bright/sparkling, chocolates notes without the chocolate flavor.
Mouthfeel: Thin for a porter/stout
Finish: Cleanish, with a little lingering espresso burnt flavor.

Jillian's Take: Pretty tasty, the impression of chocolate without the chocolate.
Sarah's Take: Not very chocolaty, but a very nice dark beer.

Serving Temperature: Cellar (55F).
Recommended Pairing: Chocolate cake!